Dr. Cie Allman-Scott

Your Trusted Authority

Acting Wasn't Fun Enough: How Dr. Cie Became A Media Psychologist + Health Professional

Half of life is just showing up, which is the case with Dr. Cie. In her mid-twenties, feeling creatively incomplete reciting lines for recurring roles on General Hospital, Baywatch, and many other episodes, her self-expression took over and Cie Allman-Scott put acting on hold and began writing. She wrote commercials and infomercials and became a force in direct-response advertising. Within a few years, she created Infinite Power, a daytime TV show that grew in syndication from 3 markets to 186 on major networks. Executive Producing her show allowed her to learn most TV production jobs and successfully syndicate her own show.

Focused on her tasks, she excelled as a writer of television content. Advertising clients were also pleased with her ability to research and execute meaningful scripts. Dr. Cie progressed into ownership of a production company, she also produced commercials for large, world-wide companies such as LifeFitness, Toto, and Now Foods when they brought Stevia to the U.S. market. She has created and produced martial arts videos, exercise videos, as well as TV pilots, and new episodic series Celebrities with Heart and Beauty and Truth.

As an Executive Producer, Dr. Cie cherry picks, creates and favors projects that leave the viewer better, stronger and more positive, inspiring personal growth and a better world. Dr. Cie earned 9 Tellys, 2 Vision Awards, and 2 Emmy nominations for production and hosting. She spends half of her time as host of Beauty and Truth, a weekly, unscripted talk and action show, distributed world-wide on several known TV apps.

Introduction to Stem Cell Regeneration Therapy

Welcome to the high level universe of stem cell regeneration therapy at our Center for Regenerative Medicine in CA, a progressive way to deal with healing and rejuvenation led by Dr. Cie Allman-Scott. This state of the art therapy use the body's natural repair mechanisms, using stem cells to treat various conditions and advance in general wellbeing and wellness. At our center, we are committed to giving personalized and powerful treatments to assist you with accomplishing ideal wellbeing.

From Uncoordinated Child To Professional Athlete

Cie began as uncoordinated as a child could be but learned that in order to gain respect, she would need to excel at sports. Through the pain of being left out, she applied herself and excelled. Her love for the water inspired her to study and pass the Lifeguard certification, which was state licensed and very physically challenging for a tall, thin girl. After performing grunt work for the local Park District, she became a Lifeguard. In high school she was a diver, a swimmer and was most known as a Pom-Pon girl, as her high school squad earned the “Best in State” title (in Illinois) and marched and danced in the Chicago televised parades.

She has been a dedicated gym rat since that time but decided to become a martial artist. She studied in Venice, CA with many of the celebrities commonly seen starring in action films, like Mortal Combat, Star Wars, True Lies, and Ring of Fire. She attained her black belt in a mixed style, Shorindo Kenpo and also earned a brown belt in Shorin Ryu karate. She achieved the Ms. Fitness Southwest title as a result of her nutritional and training expertise and dance ability, also earned 4th place nationally.

For over 20 years, Cie has been a PADI-certified scuba diver and has done challenging dives in Asia, the Caribbean, the Galapagos Islands, the Indian Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef and the South Pacific, but don’t forget Central America, Florida and Europe. She loved crocodile cage-diving in Zimbabwe but regrets snorkeling in Alaska, which was beautiful but took hours to thaw. Cie has also performed in dance sequences in Hollywood films. To this day in her 50’s, Dr. Cie sports 6-pack abs and works out regularly, walking her dogs several miles every day.

From Modeling To Acting And Beyond

Cie began professional modeling in High School in the Chicago suburbs. Although she grew up “a ham” and could be easily coaxed into silly performances, she aspired to be a model and actress while getting straight A’s and earning her B.S. in Business Administration. She moved to the east the day after college graduation and eased back into modeling when she experienced the challenges of earning enough money to survive.

Cie became a spokesperson for countless Fortune 500 companies, many in the health and beauty fields. She has represented and promoted over health and fitness products on international platforms on television. At 24 she decided her age could limit her in certain roles and moved from New York City to L.A. where she immediately found work acting. Cie had small parts in big movies and big parts in lower budget films. This was not satisfying to her as she believed that if she didn’t read those lines, some other tall, thin, blond would be cast and no one would care. This is when her path as a creator of television began. In only a few years, her TV show dream became a reality; she interviewed celebrities about their secrets to success in a gym setting, with loads of additional show content to help viewers’ mindset and inner strength.

She became a mind/body expert as she earned her Ph.D. in psychology. From this, she has been known more as a TV host than an actress and is known also as a Media Psychologist, broadcasting answers to life’s challenging questions on TV and in podcasts. To this day she finds herself on both sides of the camera, often simultaneously.

Becoming A

Best-Selling Author

During the years hosting her first episodic daily talk show, Dr. Cie was frequently asked to write for health and fitness magazines. She was a monthly contributor to many, writing monthly columns, including Max Muscle and Fitness.

After the demands of a daily TV series ended, she wrote her first book, 7 Rules for Making Decisions and developed many tools for self-help, including many audio books and self development programs that are still useful today.

Dr. Cie will help anyone to Reinvent Yourself, mediate, or affirm your way to the success you desire. (Visit the SHOP tab here and also find some free gifts.) In 2019 she wrote the Amazon #1 best-seller, DECIDE YOUR FUTURE; Write, Direct and Star in Your Life.

This book is helpful for any person and allows life to be an “open book test” rather than a series of frustrations.

Travel For Work + Play

Dr. Cie traveled throughout her life through the 7 continents, and for many years as an International spokes model. Eventually becoming a member of the Travelers Century Club, reserved for the most extensively traveled in the world, she continues her quest to see every part of the world.

As a model, Cie was under pressure, working typically in three cities per week, keeping a hectic schedule; it wasn’t feasible to check bags for fear something would get lost or delayed, so Cie learned to travel with less and appear prepared, professional and ready for the camera or large audiences.

Cie evolved through the decades from an educated model with business sense. More travels came of her consequent career as an International Speaker; she began to lecture around the world on psychological topics.

Dr. Cie decided after a few years to add a ‘travel psychology’ bonus to her lectures, and audiences were very appreciative. Her lectures evolved into travel and destination lectures, again sharing her coined ‘travel psychology’ to make traveling more fun, less stressful, cheaper and with better expectations.

Ten years later JetSetPHD.com was born; it is a byproduct that she shares compassionately with travelers of all kinds. Dr. Cie has experienced 150 countries and 96 luxury cruises.

Stand Up Comedy To International Keynote Speaking

For 20 years, Dr. Cie has lectured in 6 continents regarding the brain, optimal performance and human behavior, sharing her brand of “info-tainment.” She has also keynoted for many industries, associations and women’s organizations. She was first invited to speak at Health and Fitness Expos as a TV personality and body/mind/spirit expert. Other monologues and unscripted performances proceeded professional speaking.

In younger years, Cie attended ‘improv school’ at Second City Theater in Chicago, moved to L.A. and was a standup comic at the famed IMPROV in L. A. and other Hollywood venues. She played prankster parts on shows like Totally Hidden Video and Saturday Night Live. Over the past 20 years, she has done 25 speaking tours with 10 to 17 different topics to perform, each 45 minutes plus audience Q & A.

Cie’s earliest performances on international stages as a spokes model for over 100 Fortune 500 companies were very beneficial experiences. Companies included 3M, Polaroid, Ford Motors, Lipton, Sumitomo, Kraft Foods and Hilton Hotels.

Coupled with acting and TV hosting, this afforded her a unique education, which included improvisation and comedy. Cie understands the value of a comedic edge and opportunities for the audience to enhance their lives with instant gratification.

Personal Life

She is married for 20+ years to Dr. Aaron Scott, M.D., FACS and they enjoy the love and company of their Therapy dogs, Papillons (tiny spaniels), Jewel and Jolie. Mindfulness and fitness are part of her daily routine. Business challenges her commitment to stay balanced but never gives up.

Dr. Cie loves classic rock, old disco and funk and loves to dance. Cie serves on charity boards and supports many registered 501c3s that maintain low administrative costs; she feels fortunate to give back measurable time and treasure contributions.

Cie’s earliest performances on international stages as a spokes model for over 100 Fortune 500 companies were very beneficial experiences. Companies included 3M, Polaroid, Ford Motors, Lipton, Sumitomo, Kraft Foods and Hilton Hotels.

Coupled with acting and TV hosting, this afforded her a unique education, which included improvisation and comedy. Cie understands the value of a comedic edge and opportunities for the audience to enhance their lives with instant gratification.

What is Stem Cell Regeneration Therapy?

Stem cell regeneration therapy includes the use of stem cells, which are special for their capacity to separate into various cell types and repair damaged tissues. These cells can be gotten from various sources, including bone marrow, fat tissue (fat), and umbilical cord blood. When gathered, the stem cells are handled and infused into the impacted area to animate tissue repair and regeneration.

What is Stem Cell Regeneration Therapy?

Stem cell regeneration therapy includes the use of stem cells, which are special for their capacity to separate into various cell types and repair damaged tissues. These cells can be gotten from various sources, including bone marrow, fat tissue (fat), and umbilical cord blood. When gathered, the stem cells are handled and infused into the impacted area to animate tissue repair and regeneration.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell regeneration therapy offers numerous benefits, making it an engaging choice for some patients:

Accelerated Healing: Stem cells can altogether accelerate the healing system by recovering damaged tissues and diminishing inflammation.

Reduced Pain and Inflammation: Patients often experience a decrease in chronic pain and inflammation, prompting further developed portability and quality of life.

Minimally Invasive: Not at all like conventional medical procedure, stem cell therapy is minimally invasive, diminishing the risks related with surgeries.

Personalized Treatment: Every treatment is custom-made to the singular requirements of the patient, guaranteeing the most ideal results.

Long-lasting Results: Numerous patients report sustained upgrades in their condition, diminishing the requirement for continuous treatments.

Conditions Treated with Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell regeneration therapy has shown promise in treating a large number of conditions, including however not restricted to:

Orthopedic Conditions: Arthritis, tendonitis, and sports wounds like torn tendons and ligaments.

Neurological Disorders: Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease, numerous sclerosis, and spinal cord wounds.

Cardiovascular Diseases: Coronary illness and fringe conduit disease.

Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Chronic Pain: Including back pain, joint pain, and headaches.

The Procedure, What to Expect

Consultation and Assessment: Your journey starts with a careful consultation with Dr. Cie Allman-Scott. During this visit, we will survey your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and decide whether stem cell therapy is appropriate for you.

Stem Cell Harvesting: Contingent upon your particular requirements, stem cells will be gathered from a reasonable source. This cycle is performed under nearby anesthesia to guarantee your comfort.

Processing and Injection: The gathered stem cells are handled to think their healing properties. They are then infused straightforwardly into the impacted area using progressed imaging techniques for precise situation.

Recovery and Follow-up: After the procedure, you might encounter gentle discomfort, which commonly dies down within a couple of days. Follow-up arrangements will be planned to monitor your advancement and adjust treatment as required.

Why Choose Dr. Cie Allman-Scott?

Dr. Cie Allman-Scott is an eminent master in regenerative medicine with an enthusiasm for assisting patients with accomplishing their wellbeing objectives. Her broad experience and obligation to remaining at the forefront of medical headways guarantee that you get the greatest care. Our facility offers a warm and inviting climate where patient well-being is our top need.

Contact Us

On the off chance that you are keen on looking into stem cell regeneration therapy and how it can help you, contact our center today to plan a consultation. Dr. Cie Allman-Scott and her group are here to direct you on your way to healing and rejuvenation. Experience the eventual fate of healing with stem cell regeneration therapy in CA, at our center. Your journey to better wellbeing begins here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is regenerative stem cell therapy?

Regenerative stem cell therapy uses stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in the body. These cells, got from sources like bone marrow or fat tissue, can separate into various cell types to advance healing, diminish inflammation, and further develop capability in conditions like arthritis, wounds, and chronic pain.

What are some natural lifestyle habits that can support the body's ability to enhance stem cell regeneration and tissue repair?

Natural ways to support stem cell regeneration incorporate keeping a sound eating regimen wealthy in organic products, vegetables, and cell reinforcements, participating in customary exercise, getting satisfactory rest, overseeing pressure, and staying away from unsafe substances like tobacco and exorbitant liquor. These lifestyle decisions can upgrade the body's natural capacity to repair and regenerate tissues.

How expensive is stem cell therapy?

The expense of stem cell therapy changes broadly relying upon the kind of treatment, the condition being treated, and the center's area. By and large, treatments can go from $5,000 to $50,000. It is critical to talk with a medical professional to understand the particular expenses and potential monetary choices available.

Which diseases are cured by stem cells?

Stem cell therapy shows promise in treating various conditions, including orthopedic issues like arthritis and tendonitis, neurodegenerative diseases, for example, Parkinson's and different sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic pain. While it may not fix these diseases, it can essentially lighten symptoms and work on quality of life.

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2024. Dr. Cie Allman-Scott Ph.D - All Rights Reserved.

Decide Your Future

Write, Direct, and Star In Your Life!

What if you made the right decisions in your life, time after time, moment by moment? You would reach your goals and dreams exponentially faster than expected. Would you like to see your life constantly improving?

This personalized, linear and uncomplicated process will apply your values, needs and wishes to any endeavor, so your outcomes will be customized to your personal desires.

“Your life is the sum of your decisions. If you want a better life, make better decisions!”

“Suffering is optional. If you’re struggling, you’re doing it wrong.” –Dr. Cie